Our heart is more than just an organ. It holds everything that we love, cherish and long for. Our heart also holds all of our heartaches, pains, and unresolved anger. Our heart seeks our attention.
Closed Heart
The greatest tragedy in life is to live with a closed heart. It’s when life loses its essence and becomes lifeless.
Hearts keep us alive literally and also figuratively.
To engage in life with an open heart means to feel the aliveness, the beauty, and the magnificence of life.
It means to embrace what and who we love. It means to listen to the rhythm of our hearts. It means to unapologetically follow the situations, activities, and people that move our hearts.
Brave Heart
Our hearts always hold the truth and with that the answers to our questions. To have a strong heart means that we can sit with what is painful, unpleasant, and difficult.
True bravery comes from the presence and the ability to show up for ourselves. In this class, we will dive deep into our hearts through movement.
We will listen to the voice of our heart, and allow it to beat freely, openly, and unconditionally. We will find the uniqueness of what we love and allow it to expand and nourish us.
What is a movement class?
Movement classes offer personal development through movement. Each session encourages a connection with your body, explores emotions, and accesses the wisdom of your soul.
By integrating mindful embodied practices and conscious dance, these classes promote holistic integration, emotional release, authenticity, and inner harmony.
Movement practices have their roots in body-centered psychotherapy and have evolved over the years to incorporate various techniques aimed at emotional regulation and expression.
These practices include:
•Structured Movement and Breathing Exercises
•Conscious Dance and Shamanic Dance
•Storytelling, Meditation, and Embodied Imagination
•Authentic Movement