Shadow Integration- Movement Class

 The Nature of the Shadow

Shadow is the part of us that we are not aware of about ourselves. We usually perceive it as inappropriate, unacceptable, or unlikable.

For that reason, we can’t identify with it, and we toss it into the corners of our unconscious.

The shadow is a living and breathing energy inside of us. No matter how much we reject it, it haunts us. It comes in the form of annoying people, difficult situations, or the general NO we feel toward life and our vitality.

Integration for Wholeness

Shadow work is a crucial part of any personal growth because without acknowledging and accepting these parts of us, we live a fragmented life. In other words, what we perceive as real is our unconscious parts.

What is real, then? The definition of enlightenment is the integration of all parts of us. It is when we realize our Self’s true nature and see reality in all things. Shadow integrated is becoming one with all that we are.

Our shadow, once brought into the light of consciousness, transforms into a potential we weren’t aware of. Our shadow is the way to our essence.

Shadow Work Techniques

In this class, we will have a deep focus on the shadow part that wants to be revealed and integrated by using the tools of body-oriented, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology.

What is a movement class?

Movement classes offer personal development through movement. Each session encourages a connection with your body, explores emotions, and accesses the wisdom of your soul.

By integrating mindful embodied practices and conscious dance, these classes promote holistic integration, emotional release, authenticity, and inner harmony.

Movement practices have their roots in body-centered psychotherapy and have evolved over the years to incorporate various techniques aimed at emotional regulation and expression.

These practices include:
•Structured Movement and Breathing Exercises
•Conscious Dance and Shamanic Dance •Storytelling, Meditation, and Embodied Imagination
•Authentic Movement
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Shadow Integration - Movement Class

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  • Total payment
  • 1xShadow Integration€30

All prices in EUR