Many of us often wonder what the nature of reality is, and why we are here on Earth. These questions can arise during a life crisis, such as losing someone we love or seeing years of effort crumble in a matter of seconds.
Challenging and difficult times can prompt us to go beyond our usual everyday patterns and autopilot modes, questioning our beliefs and choices, and exploring the mystery.
The Mystery
“The mystery” is often perceived as an existence that is beyond human comprehension.
In mystical traditions, “the absolute” is understood as an ineffable, transcendent reality that can be experienced directly but not fully comprehended or described in ordinary language.
Expanding Beyond Identity
What is beyond our gender, age, profession, income, friends, family, culture, and the language we speak? When we strip down all aspects of our persona, what is left? Who are we really?
Expanding Our Experience
In this class, we will move beyond our usual patterns and expand into the vastness of our being. That being is the one having a human experience. How does it want to live?
What is a movement class?
Movement classes offer personal development through movement. Each session encourages a connection with your body, explores emotions, and accesses the wisdom of your soul.
By integrating mindful embodied practices and conscious dance, these classes promote holistic integration, emotional release, authenticity, and inner harmony.
Movement practices have their roots in body-centered psychotherapy and have evolved over the years to incorporate various techniques aimed at emotional regulation and expression.
These practices include:
•Structured Movement and Breathing Exercises
•Conscious Dance and Shamanic Dance
•Storytelling, Meditation, and Embodied Imagination
•Authentic Movement