Life cycles are a series of changes in our organism. They are also phases in our life that influence the way we interact with our surroundings.
Life cycles include infancy, the toddler years, childhood, puberty, older adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and the senior years.
Unveil Your Past and Future
From a non-linear perspective, we can understand the importance of each phase. Sometimes, we get stuck in one of them. For example, we spend a lifetime trying to fill the void from our infancy, or we continue rebellion through our adulthood and miss out to create something in the meantime.
Embrace the Wholeness of Life
The fullness of life is to allow and embrace the beauty of each phase without holding on to something that, by nature, wants to evolve.
Each cycle can serve us and heal us. We don’t need to be children to still need nourishment, we don’t need to be teenagers to dream and rebel, we don’t need to be in our thirties to build structures, we can always reinvent ourselves and let this archetypical energies to serve us as needed.
We can shapeshift beyond our human experience.
Some phases need healing and some support, some bring us joy and anticipation for what is yet to come. Some may trigger a fear of letting go or of ageing.
Experience Your Life Cycles
Through Movement
In this class, we will embark on a journey. You will be guided through life cycles starting from your early childhood to your death.
You will be able to witness your experiences from childhood and youth, but also the ones that are yet to unfold in your life.
We will see which phase needs healing, and which can help us understand more where we are in life.
We will also feel into what is yet to come and how to step into the highest potential for us.
When we begin to understand that the end of one phase is only a beginning of a new one, we can allow ourselves to go through life fully present in our body as it is.
We don’t have to be stuck in the phase we are currently at, we can always revisit and honor where we used to be, and where we are heading.
What is a movement class?
Movement classes offer personal development through movement. Each session encourages a connection with your body, explores emotions, and accesses the wisdom of your soul.
By integrating mindful embodied practices and conscious dance, these classes promote holistic integration, emotional release, authenticity, and inner harmony.
Movement practices have their roots in body-centered psychotherapy and have evolved over the years to incorporate various techniques aimed at emotional regulation and expression.
These practices include:
•Structured Movement and Breathing Exercises
•Conscious Dance and Shamanic Dance
•Storytelling, Meditation, and Embodied Imagination
•Authentic Movement